We support Ukraine, the Ukrainian children and their parents during the ongoing armed conflict.
To provide immediate help, we partnered with the Ukraine Rescue Project.
This volunteer organization's mission is "Saving lives in Ukraine by providing direct and quick delivery of scarce emergency medical supplies to rescue workers, frontline medical personnel, volunteers, and others."
The life-saving items are tourniquets, trauma kits, chest seals, bleeding control bandages, and other medical supplies, and our focus is on quick delivery of these emergency medical supplies into Ukraine, directly where supplies are needed the most.
Here are some of the ways you can give:
Send your donation to MUSYCA, sing@musyca.org, and indicate that gift is for URP (Ukraine Rescue Project)
Send your donation to 818-554-9937 and indicate that gift is for URP (Ukraine Rescue Project)
Enclose a check payable to MUSYCA. In the check memo section designate the allocation of the gift is for URP (Ukraine Rescue Project)
Checks should be mailed to:
MUSYCA Children's Choir
10110 Melinda Way #5
Northridge, CA 91325
For more information about our partner, the Ukraine Rescue Project please visit their website: https://stepup4ukraine.weebly.com/